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Prof. Dr. Menderes SUİÇMEZ

President of Symposium Organizing Committee / Director of Vocational Training School of Technical Sciences

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Muammer CENGİL

Director of İskilip Vocational Training School

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sinan ÇALIŞKAN

Director of Alaca Avni Çelik Vocational Training School

Asst. Prof. Dr. Zekeriya IŞIK

Director of Vocational Training School of Social Sciences

Asst. Prof. Dr. Mustafa Tolga ÇIRAK

Director of Osmancık Ömer Derindere Vocational Training School

Asst. Prof. Dr. Kubilay KARACİF

Director of Sungurlu Vocational Training School

Asst. Prof. Dr. Esra DAMAR

Vocational Training School of Technical Sciences

Asst. Prof. Dr. İsmail YILDIRIM

Vocational Training School of Social Sciences

Asst. Prof. Dr. Menekşe ŞAHİN

Vocational Training School of Social Sciences

Asst. Prof. Dr. Serkan DİŞLİTAŞ

Vocational Training School of Technical Sciences

Asst. Prof. Dr. Seyfi ŞEVİK

Vocational Training School of Technical Sciences

Lecturer Ahmet AKNAR

Vocational Training School of Social Sciences


Vocational Training School of Technical Sciences

Lecturer Barış AYAR

Vocational Training School of Technical Sciences

Lecturer Doğan DEMİRCİ

Vocational Training School of Social Sciences

Lecturer Emrah ŞAHİN

Vocational Training School of Social Sciences

Lecturer Hacer ÖLÇER

Vocational Training School of Technical Sciences

Lecturer Hamdi ÖBEKCAN

Vocational Training School of Technical Sciences

Lecturer Hami AHISKALI

Vocational Training School of Technical Sciences

Lecturer Harun KISACIK

Vocational Training School of Technical Sciences

Lecturer Hicri YAVUZ

Vocational Training School of Technical Sciences

Lecturer Hilmi YANMAZ

Vocational Training School of Technical Sciences

Lecturer Hüseyin ÇİZMECİ

Vocational Training School of Technical Sciences

Lecturer Mehmet AYDINKAL

Vocational Training School of Technical Sciences

Lecturer Mehmet Akif BÜLBÜL

Vocational Training School of Technical Sciences

Lecturer Onur BALCAN

Vocational Training School of Technical Sciences

Lecturer Özge KAZAR

Vocational Training School of Technical Sciences

Lecturer Yusuf ORMANKIRAN

Vocational Training School of Social Sciences




Event Sponsors


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