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Papers can be presented as Oral or Poster Presentations.

ABSTRACT and FULL PAPER Instructions


ABSTRACT” Writing Rules


·         English and Turkish versions of the abstract must be sent if the paper will be presented in Turkish.

·         It is not obligatory to send Turkish version of the abstracts written in English.

·         Abstracts must be written in Times New Roman font of 10 by using Microsoft Word as (*.doc) and shouldn’t’ be more than 300 words.

·         The first letters of the title should capitalized (Times New Roman font of 12).

·         Abstracts should be written including objectives, methods, expected results and conclusions.

·         The names and surnames, e-mail addresses and organizations of all the authors must be written clearly.

·         Keywords list under the abstract should contain minimum 3 maximum 6 words.


FULL PAPER” Writing Rules


·         Full Papers must be written according to full paper template.



POSTER Guidelines


·         Poster dimensions should be maximum 420 x 594 mm (A2).

·         Entries must be large enough to be seen easily at least one meter away.

·         Posters can be presented in English or in Turkish but  abstracts must be written in English and Turkish

·         Authors are required to be ready with during the exhibition session of their posters.

·         Poster abstracts must be sent in abstract submission date. 



Event Sponsors


Adress: Hitit Üniversitesi Meslek Yüksekokulu Kampüsü Gazi Caddesi No :99 Posta Kodu :19169 Çorum

Phones: +90 3642230800


Contact Us: +90 3642230800